


// SSLじゃなきゃSSLにする
url = location.href.replace(/^http:/, "https:");
if (url != location.href) location.replace(url);

// ぱくり1
/************************* Class Identifier *******************************/
function Identifier(baseURI, id){
  /* Handle URI, URL and OS-paths as identifier.
     Copy left. Comment? w650s@mcn.ne.jp */

  this.__base = baseURI;
  this.__id = (id !== undefined)? id : '';
  this.__cache = null;

function IdentifierManager(/*Identifier.prototype*/self) {
  self.changeID = function(id){
    this.__cache = null;
    this.__id = id;

  self.changeBase   = function(URI){ this.__base = this.resolve(URI); };
  self.getscheme    = function(){ return this.getcomponents()[0]; }; 
  self.getauthority = function(){ return this.getcomponents()[1]; };
  self.getpath      = function(){ return this.getcomponents()[2]; }; 
  self.getquery     = function(){ return this.getcomponents()[3]; }; 
  self.getfragment  = function(){ return this.getcomponents()[4]; }; 
  self.getfilename  = function(){ return this.getpath().split('/').pop(); };

  self.__import__ = function(){
    for (var i=0,len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) {
      var html = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'+
  self.getcomponents = function(){
    /* => [scheme, authority, path, query, fragment] */
    var cache;
    if (cache = this.__cache) return cache[1];
    cache = [];
    var uri = this.resolve();
    var scheme = RegExp.$1, authority = RegExp.$2, path = RegExp.$3, query = '', fragment = '', i;
    if ((i = path.indexOf('#')) != -1) {
      fragment = path.slice(i+1, path.length);
      path = path.slice(0, i);
    if ((i = path.indexOf('?')) != -1) {
      query = path.slice(i+1, path.length);
      path = path.slice(0, i);
    var components = [scheme, authority, path, query, fragment];
    cache[0] = this.__id, cache[1] = components;
    this.__cache = cache;
    return components;

  self.resolve = function(/*optional*/relativeURI){
    var ruri = (relativeURI === undefined)? this.__id : relativeURI;
    if (/^[\#\?]/.test(ruri) || ruri == '') return this.__base + ruri;
    if (ruri.match(REG_PATH)) return pathToUri();
    if (REG_URI.test(ruri)) return ruri;
    var buri = this.__base;
    if (buri.match(REG_PATH)) buri = pathToUri();

    var scheme = RegExp.$1, authority = RegExp.$2, path = RegExp.$3;
    if (ruri.slice(0,2) == '//') return scheme + ':' + ruri;
    if (ruri.charAt(0) == '/')   return scheme + '://' + authority + ruri;
    var i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    path = (i != -1)? path.slice(0, i) : '';
    if (ruri.indexOf('./') == 0) ruri = ruri.slice(2, ruri.length);

    var components = [scheme+':/', authority];
    while (ruri.indexOf('../') == 0 && path.length) {
      ruri = ruri.slice(3, ruri.length);
      path = ((i = path.lastIndexOf('/', path.length-2)) != -1)?
      path.slice(0, i) : '';
    if (path) components.push(path);

    return components.join('/');
    function pathToUri(){
      return ['file://', RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2.replace(/\\/g, '/')].join('/');

  // private, final variables and its getters
  var REG_PATH = /^([a-zA-Z]:)\\([^\s]+)/;
  self.getRePath = function(){ return REG_PATH; };

  var REG_URI = /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+):\/\/(\/?[^\s\/]+)\/(.*)/;
  self.getReURI = function(){ return REG_URI; };


// ぱくり2
|| Cookie Management Class (cookie_manager.js)
|| Script Version: 0.1.0
|| Copyright (C) 2004 Hawk <w3l_admin@hawk.34sp.com>
|| WebSite URL: http://www.hawk.34sp.com/

 * @static
 * @access public
 * @param int
 * @param string 
 * @return Date
Date.fromNow = function(num, u) {
  var units = {

  if(units[u]==null) return null;

  var d = new Date();
  d['set'+ units[u]](d['get'+ units[u]]() + num);
  return d;

 * class CookieManager
function CookieManager () {
   * @static
   * @access private
  var id = new Object();
  var cookies = {};
  var past = Date.fromNow(-1, 'Y');

   * [Constructor]
   * @param Date
   * @param string
   * @param string
   * @param bool
  CookieManager = function (_expires, _path, _domain, _secure) {
    this.expires= _expires!=null ? _expires: CookieManager.expires;
    this.path   = _path   !=null ? _path   : CookieManager.path;
    this.domain = _domain !=null ? _domain : CookieManager.domain;
    this.secure = _secure !=null ? _secure : CookieManager.secure;

    var privates = {};
    this._getPrivate = function(o, name) {
      if(o==id) return privates[name];
      else undefined;
    this._setPrivate = function(o, name, value) {
      if(o==id) privates[name] = value;

  //initializing static members ...

   * @static
   * @access public
  CookieManager.expires= null;//:Date
  CookieManager.path   = null;//:string
  CookieManager.domain = null;//:string
  CookieManager.secure = false;//:bool

   * @static 
   * @access private
  function readCookies() {
    cookies = {};
    var temp = [];
    if(document.cookie != '') {
      var datas= document.cookie.split("; ");
      for(var i=0; i<datas.length; i++){
        temp =datas[i].split("=");

   * @static
   * @access public
   * @param string key
   * @param string value
  CookieManager.setCookie = function(key, value) {
    var temp = key +"="+ escape(value);
    if(this.expires != null) temp+="; expires="+ this.expires.toGMTString();
    if(this.path    != null) temp+="; path="   + this.path;
    if(this.domain  != null) temp+="; domain=" + this.domain;
    if(this.secure)  temp += "; secure";


   * @static
   * @access public
   * @param string key
   * @param string defValue
   * @return string
  CookieManager.getCookie = function (key, defValue) {
    return cookies[key]!=null ? cookies[key] : defValue;

   * @static
   * @access public
   * @param key
  CookieManager.deleteCookie = function (key) {
    var tmp = this.expires;
    this.expires = past;
    this.setCookie(key, 'dummy');
    this.expires = tmp;

   * @access public
   * @param string key
   * @param string value
  CookieManager.prototype.setCookie = CookieManager.setCookie;

   * @access public
   * @param string key
   * @param string defValue
   * @return string
  CookieManager.prototype.getCookie = CookieManager.getCookie;

   * @access public
   * @param key
  CookieManager.prototype.deleteCookie = CookieManager.deleteCookie;


// Cookieの扱いを設定
var URI = new Identifier(location.href);
CookieManager.expires = Date.fromNow(1, 'h');
CookieManager.path  = '/' + URI.getpath();
CookieManager.domain= URI.getauthority();
CookieManager.secure= true;

// 渡されたFormの値をCookieに保存
// ただし,すべてのフォームに対応してない.
function store(form) {
  CookieManager.setCookie('__isStore', true);
  e = form.elements;
  for(i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) {
    switch(e[i].type) {
      case 'text': if(e[i].value) CookieManager.setCookie(e[i].name, e[i].value); 
          value = CookieManager.getCookie(e[i].name, false);
	  alert(e[i].name + " -> " + value); break;
      case 'select-one': CookieManager.setCookie(e[i].name, e[i].selectedIndex); break;
      case 'radio': 
      case 'checkbox':
        if(e[i].checked) CookieManager.setCookie(e[i].name, e[i].value); break;
// フォームの値を復元する
// storeと同じく,すべてのフォームには対応してない.
// それと,一回しか復元しない
// できれば,Cookieも削除するほうがいいのだろうが,とりあえず,やっていない.
// CookieManagerをもう少し改良してからのほうがいいでしょ,たぶん.
function load(form) {
  if(!CookieManager.getCookie('__isStore', false)) return;
  e = form.elements;
  for(i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) {
    key = e[i].name;
    value = CookieManager.getCookie(key, false);
    if(!value) continue;
    alert(key + " -> " + value);
    switch(e[i].type) {
      case 'text': e[i].value = value; break;
      case 'select-one': e[i].options[value].selected = true; break;
      case 'radio':
      case 'checkbox': 
        if(e[i].value == value) e[i].checked = true; break;

// 指定されたテキストボックスのメールアドレスをチェック
// これもパクリ,ただし,どっからぱくったかわすれたw
// ついでに,RFCには対応していないw

// メッセージを表示して,フォーカスを設定する
// プログラムが簡単になるようにfalseを返している
function mail_check_fail(tb, msg) {
  return false;
function mail_check(tb) {
  email  = tb.value;
  atmark = 0;
  piriod = 0;
  if (email == '') 
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスを入力してください。");
  cc = email.charAt(0);
  if (((cc < "0") || ("9" < cc)) && ((cc < "a") || 
      ("z" < cc)) && ((cc < "A") || ("Z" < cc))) 
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスに不正があります。");
  cc = email.charAt(email.length - 1);
  if (((cc < "0") || ("9" < cc)) && ((cc < "a") ||
      ("z" < cc)) && ((cc < "A") || ("Z" < cc)))
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスに不正があります。");

  for (i = 1;i < email.length; i++) {
    cc = email.charAt(i);
    if (cc == "@") { atmark++; continue; }
    if (cc == ".") { piriod++; continue; }
    if (((cc < "0") || ("9" < cc)) && ((cc < "a") || ("z" < cc)) &&
        ((cc < "A") || ("Z" < cc)) && ("@" != cc) && ("." != cc) &&
        ("_" != cc) && ("-" != cc)) 
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスに不正があります。");

  if (atmark < 1)
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスに@が含まれていません。"); 
  if (atmark > 1)
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスに@が多すぎます。");

  if (piriod < 1)
    return mail_check_fail(tb, "メールアドレスにピリオドが含まれていません。"); 

  return true; 

// なんとなく
function check_radio(r, msg) {
  for(i = 0; i < r.length; ++i)
    if(r[i].checked) return true;
  alert(msg + "を選択してください.");
  return false;
function get_radio_value(r) {
  for(i = 0; i < r.length; ++i)
    if(r[i].checked) return r[i].value;

onSubmit とかで,store(document.Form) とかすればOK
<form ... name="Form">

// 当たり前だけど,Formを作ってからじゃないと,エラーが発生する
